Nathan McCreey

Nathan McCreery is going to be my photographer for my lighting shoot with materials. He began his photographic career while in art school. He studies on black and white but also colour so that would be good to use with my work trying out colour and black and white.
His pictures focus on mountains, architecture but also studio work so he ranges around with what I am looking at. Even his pictures of landscapes and mountains look abstract and different and his pictures look like a low ISO has been used as the photos are sharp and in focus and not with a grain effect.

This photo really captured my eye as the texture of what has been used. It looks like a big sheet of material blowing in wind or from a big fan but then it can also look like a big rock. The lighting has casted great shadows which makes the texture of what ever it is stand out loads so using black and white it can cast this sort of effect so I will look at this when doing my studio lighting shoot.