Alexandra Zaharova

This is an artist I found on google images and went into her website and looked at her couple pictures and thought how much it links with my John Rawlings shoot as I focus on colour such as the orange hat and orange clothes but also the bold prints such as the blue coat shoot.
Her link is above and she focusses on fashion and art and I think her work is amazing. The link I am about to put really focusses on matching colours with little things such as hair colour, make-up and clothes. >

She uses shutter speed in her 'colour blow' pictures to capture the movement of the paint or dust, but as I am focussing on texture of fabric and clothes I can't use this. Her photos are always taken in studios so she uses studio lighting which links in with my shoots I do at home especially in my John Rawling shoot with the black fabric over the models face and red lipstick.