Imogen Cunningham shoot

This was a very quick shoot of natural form up close using Imogen Cunningham as my photographer. I copied her style in some of my photos of using black and white and ISO but in some I did use normal colour. You can see that in my 2nd final image I used a high ISO to get the grain effect Imogen has in her photos. I didn't edit them hardly as I chose to keep it as simple as possible. I thought the shoot went O.K, it wasn't one of my best but it was an experiment with ISO.

I chose this photo as a final image as I liked how bright the pink was on the flower and how it contrasted with the white background.

This photo I think is very like Imogen Cunninghams as she has the black and white effect but also the grain. I used a high ISO to achieve this and I used natural light coming through my window. I took this photo using rule of thirds and I like how I got the main three flowers in focus / standing out.