Lighting Workshop

The basic idea of using lighting within photography is for the photographer to gain control over the direction and intensity of light in order for them to achieve the image they desire.
There is no right or wrong way to use lighting as it is the photographers preference. They may wish to create an image casting shadows over the subject or from the subject and more popular by the advertising world eliminate any shadow within the image before it gets to photoshop.

The details of how I did my Lighting Workshop and my contact sheet are on a A4 piece of paper in my sketch book.

I found this experiment really useful as I got to learn new techniques on my camera. I set the apperture to a low fstop for example 2 and I changed the fstop to maybe 5 or even 10 to get a darker effect too depending on where the lamp was put. I had some difficulty at first as I wanted to take pictures close up and it wouldn't let me, so I decided for now before I get someone to look at it that I will take it far away and crop the picture.

This is one of favourite images I have ever taken as the texture of this is so beautiful and I like how sharp parts of the photo is with also the shadow falling behind.