Louise Gains

Louise Gains is actually a painter but studies natural form which i'm studying so I am going to use her for my photographer and inspiration. Her work has come from inspirations such as places or things and she also likes complicated shapes or forms as she believes everything as a deeper meaning such as different textures or colours. She uses a lot of colour but in some of her photos she does use what we would see in photography as shutter speed. I will try this out and see if I can use a different approach of natural form. I will use a high shutter so about 8-10 seconds so it can just capture the brisk moves of the leaves or flowers but I will have to wait so it is windy.

Her paintings reflect how shutter speed would like with photography. I really liked this as she is taking natural form a bit out of context and making it look quite edgy so I will definitely take a shoot to see how it goes.

Even though our course is about up close I wanted to try and see if i could get a landscape or a close-ish landscape. I like the way you can see the different types of greens in this painting and the odd colours from the flowers.