Sam Hessamian

Sam Hessamian is an inspirtation I am doing for my Man Ray shoot I do in the dark room. When it comes to black-and-white fashion photograph or working in Film His black-and-white prints convey striking emotion befitting the world of fashion, from simple facial expressions to behind-the-scenes stills to lone figures amidst urban architecture. Because certain pictures he takes are taken in film it does give a grain effect so I could achieve this by setting my ISO on my digitial camera to a high number such as 6400.

I love the close up angle of this photo and being in daylight with a black and white effect it makes her makeup and hair contrast well with the white top she is wearing. I think this will be a good look for my shoot also because it's close up. I am going to do this shoot with black or red lipstick and heavy makeup in black and white so it contrasts well with the black and white. I think it will stand out well using dark room techniques. 

This photo I love because it is so sharp you can see her freckles which will react really well in the dark room especially if you take the shoot in black and white in daylight. I think I am going to take my shoot in natural daylight as it capture natural beauty and reflect natural shadows. These two photos I have chosen are quite contrasting as one has dark hair with loads of makeup and one is blonde and very simple. I think I am going to reflect these two photos and try do the same in my shoot.