Solarisation - Man Ray

Man Ray was was an American artist who spent most of his career in Paris, France. Solarisation is a phenomenon in photography in which the image recorded on a negative or on a photographic print is wholly or partially reversed in tone. Dark areas appear light or light areas appear dark. Initially, the term solarization was used to describe the effect observed in cases of extreme overexposure of the negative in the camera. Lee Miller soon became his photographic assistant, as well as his lover and muse.

These are some pictures by Man Ray which show solarisation.

This photo is something what I would like to achieve especially when gone through the dark room process. Using a black red or brown lipstick against white skin will make a good high contrast.

This photo has been solarised and the way the white effect has happened has given it an effect of an angel or some sort. It highlights her body shape against the black background and shows human form at it's finest. My shoot will be close up so I will do it on lips, eyes, facial shapes but I might do an extra shoot where it's not as close up and do it on body shape.