Sarah Bird 1

All of these photos I took using the inspiration of colour and being quite girly and playful. I found a technique/mode on my camera which was called 'Retro' which I really liked because it got the soft, white and pretty effect. I edited some of them but not very much because it took away the 'retro' look.

This one I edited on Picnik to add to the effect of colour and girliness as it seems as a memory.

Sarah Bird does dramatic colouring and girly photos but she does do natural portfolio/studio lighting so linked in with my other shoot I think this worked really well. This is a completely un-edited photo and I love the way her skin looks and the lighting in this.

This is such a girly photo and my theme running through-out is relationships/emotion and I think this is an aspect of that as she could be on the phone to a friend or a boyfriend. The high angle is a good shot as we can see her laughter and the rule of thirds so we can see her bed-side table and that she is a normal teenage girl.

I cropped this photo because my inspiration from Sarah Bird was colour and I think this resembled it well.

I used the depth of field in this photo so focussing on my models hair and jumper so her reflection in the mirror wasn't in focus.