Cassia Beck

Cassia Beck is a female photographer I found and her photos seem to focus on pastel colours such as pale pinks/ pastel blue and nude colours. Her photos also have a vintage effect which links in great with my 1940's retro theme. Her pictures aren't based on texture but I will use the colouring and retro theme for my pictures on shoes and vintage clothing/jewellry. I will also try a ISO around 1200 for the grainy effect but not so it takes away the sharpness of the texture of clothing. I also think her photos can be taken with a film camera so this will link into my film piece of work I did in school.

This photo and the other seem like they are taken in film as they dont seem 100 percent clear and have a creamy/white effect over the photo. I will take pictures of the shoes but closer up to show it's texture. Using a white background or a coloured one will make my object stand out a lot more. Using the rule of thirds gives it a different effect instead of it being in the centre.

This photo is very simple and plain but the colour of the tights stand out and taking it of the bottom of the leg comes across a bit different as it comes across more realistic. The pastel colours of grey and pink contrast so I might look at different colours of socks or tights but not close up something like this.