Solarisation - Man Ray Shoot

To achieve Solarisation what we had to do was put the negative on the special photo paper and flash it with light for one second, then put in the developer for about 1 minute, then stop for 30 seconds then leave the photo paper on the side away from all the chemicals for about 3-4 minutes after that flash it again with light for 1 second which was the 1x10 speed then put in the developer for about 1 minute and a half, then stop for 30 seconds then into the fixer for 2-3 minutes then leave in the stop again for how ever long you want it so all the chemicals have washed off the paper and it doesn't smell.

I did two shoots of Man Ray in style of ... and these are where I contrasted them a lot then turned to invert on photoshop with bypass paper. I found my second picture I took wasn't contrasted enough so it didn't work as well when I tryed out solarisation but my first photo I contrasted so much it worked well.

There were my final pieces of Solarisation which I scanned through onto the computer.

These are two photos I edited on photoshop by using a black canvas then dragging the two pictures onto the black background to get the effect of what Sam Hessamain does. I also thought my second pictures reflected his photos really well as on my research I have chosen two photos I like and one of them I think is very similar to this photo.