Jordan Weeks

Jordan Weeks is an English photographer who focusses on Sport, Tourism and Travel photography. Jordan struggled to find exactly what it was that he wanted to photograph. He tried experimenting with Musician Photography, Fashion Portraits and even Weddings but didn't like any of them so took up the theme of his career. He focusses on all types of angles which is going to work really well with my outside shoots for my final piece as I am taking photos at a low angle (floor level) he also takes all of his photos outside (landscapes) which I am looking at doing.

I really like this photo as it shows the low angle really well. A very fast shutter speed has been used on this photo to keep the foot in focus as it's moving. I haven't experimented with shutter as I am not focussing on movement. I might try a shutter speed shoot (a short one) with different colours of shoes so it's like a blur of colour representing gender. 
This could link with Uta Barth and Louise Gains (my first project, natural form)